
One of Magog's hordes, swarming around.

One of Magog's hordes, swarming around.

We've been so far from here, but now we're back again. And babe it's gonna work out fine. Probably.

After a hiatus, to recover from the traumatic events of episode 6a & 6b, Gary and Simon turn their attention to the classic Genesis Live album in the first of two special "minisodes".

Released on 20th July 1973, Genesis Live was the bands first UK top 10 album. Originally conceived as a double album, the eventual release was a stripped down compilation released at a budget price.

Gary and Simon cast their eye...their ear? Over the LP and give their opinions in their own unique way. Where could Gary be going? Which track does Simon hate? Which zone is for unloading only? Find out in this mini-episode.

If you enjoyed this episode let us know at and listen out for the second minisode next week.